HEX' PLACE (000)


Author Toro Zaen’s short story diversion from synthesizing sci-fi novel, in Epub and Kindle format. As much truth as a lie can hold, what life seems at many times. All we can do is believe it, as denial is torture, yet every once in awhile it really does happen; what we want to believe is not a lie, but truth and we revel in this rare and fulfilling moment. The first installment in far future science-fiction world build of the literary experiment. Four titles for this literary piece. The reader will choose. In-the-works novel will bring better perspective.

Most fundraisers have summary of transpired events, intent of funds and pictures. Very few have short sci-fi story plotted in quasi-subconscious self inflicted dystopia distilled from forthcoming pseudo-hard fiction novel connecting real, tangible place in our world to highly feasible advanced society far in the future… whatever that means. It’s a stretch. Lose the change fueling world-build’s artforms. Or lose the change, fuel world-build’s artforms, read short story, hopefully enjoy said story, it’s full length novel coming soon. All of this in support of ‘Mother’s Place,’ restoration, old country estate in rural Charleston, South Carolina, other aging estates of sorts hopefully addressed with time. What will become of these endeavors, who knows. Welcome to the experiment.


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HEX' PLACE (000)

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